Jay Friedenberg: "The Panoramic Landscape"
June 2 - July 3:
440 Gallery is pleased to present the second solo show by Jay Friedenberg, featuring large-scale panoramic scenes from around the globe. Friedenberg's artwork is a combination of traditional and modern photographic techniques that are enhanced by digital effects to create fantastic color and compositions. His images explore diverse places such as the French coastline and the canyons of the American Southwest. California marinas are rendered with Seurat-like pointillism, while imaginative melting clouds are portrayed in a sky from Barbados.
In the Project Space: Making It: Acey, Barnet and Bendheim
Jo-Ann Acey's drawing and prints pull from her vision of remembered "landscape", both urban and rural. Her work is at once spontaneous and controlled. Acey investigates the constant energy between line, color and shape in nature
Fred Bendheim continues his investigation into the poetry of shape and color. Bendheim meticulously shapes PVC before applying acrylic paint onto the surface. Using the utmost care, he creates completely flat surfaces devoid of brushstrokes.
Richard Barnet's figures were modeled from life in the artist's studio, typically in water clay that he fires as terra cotta and later had cast into bronze or bonded bronze. Barnet is interested in the infinite variety, individual expressiveness, and formal beauty of how different people stand, sit, recline and otherwise communicate with each other through physical gesture -- just as dancers do.